Naturopath Practice closing in Pembroke
Dr. Katrina Traikov is closing her practice location in Pembroke. Her last day in Pembroke will be December 19th 2018. Feel free to book in in Pembroke before December 19th. Katrina is still available to see patients in Renfrew at Renfrew Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Centre 613-431-7272.
The Renfrew Clinic is located at:
Renfrew Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Centre
1035 O’Brien Road, Suite #23
Renfrew, ON, K7V 0B3
Phone: 613-431-7272
Online booking:
If you would like to transfer care to Dr. Katrina in Renfrew please call the clinic at 613-431-7272 or book in for the follow up appointment online at
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Dr. Katrina Traikov at or leave a voicemail at 613-631-0137. If you would like more information, you can visit the following link: